Christine Yang,

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

About Christine


  • Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine Eight Branches College of Eastern Medicine, Toronto

Credentials/Continuing Education Highlights

  • Yin Yang Nine Needles Acupuncture
  • Master Tung Acupuncture
  • Sculp & Abdomen Acupuncture
  • Zen Moxibustion
  • Mater Li Scraping (Gua Sha in Chinese)


Christine applies a detail-oriented method to understand and treat pains and disorders. After asking detailed questions, examining closely the pulse, the tongue and the affected body (shape, color, temperature, marks etc.), Christine will come up with TCM pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment plan. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holds a holistic view to human beings and treats both body & mind simultaneously. Clients may find comprehensive changes and cellular level recovery through a long-term meeting with Traditional Chinese Medicine. “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” The sickness provides a great opportunity for us to enhance our life by re-reading the book of our body and its disorders. Christine would like to accompany clients to go through the re-examination/interpretation of our body, and also provide solutions for clients to resolve pains and disorders, strengthen body-mind connection and further improve our life. Digestion (e.g. transmission and transportation of food/nutrients under TCM) is the guarantee for recovery. Christine pays great attention to digestion issues. Gynecological disorders are the core issues for women health. Christine also treats dysmenorrhea, headache/general aching/diarrhea during period, emotional dysregulation related to period, heavy period/amenorrhea and menopause syndrome.

Personal experience/interests

“Traveling 10,000 miles is even better than reading 10,000 books” is an old Chinese saying. Besides reading Traditional Chinese Medicine books, Christine likes to explore the world through hiking.

Favourite body parts: To help clients to be active and movable, Christine pays great attention to the lower back, the belly and the thighs. By applying needles in acupoints, combing with moxa to warm them up, or even with the support of TCM herbs to tonify muscles/tendons/bones, Christine helps patients to regain their strength and control over their bodies.